Saturday, February 12, 2011

UNPAD: Senior Saya

Angkatan 2004
Gambar di atas adalah gambar senior saya semasa mereka induksi di Port Dickson (PD) sebelum masuk Housemanship (HO). Saya ambil gambar di atas dari Ayda Liyana. Thanks :)

Mulanya lihat di FB terus komen,

Iman Aisyah: Semua dak UNPAD induction sama2 ke? Tak sabar nak berinduction:D

Manoj Nairthat would b ur final week b4 u step into hell ;)

Iman Aisyah: Wah! Manoj is it that bad? or depend on which hospital?

Manoj Nair: ya it depends on which hosp n what department i think.. especially the start i think.. she short forms n the labs n the speed they want u to do things.. hardly get time 2 read up.. n im in medical.. n the tagging n lack of sleep n i can go on n on ;)

Fauzanziela Lurviedovie:
‎1. they expect u to know everything
2. they use many2 of short terms...
3. a lot of new cases or unfamiliar cases...though malaysia n indonesia sebelah2
4. ada new skill kena develop sini (nurses not so helpful, depend a lot to ur senior..lea...n from tham
5. ur senior very2 bz..little time for them to teach u...
6. if u get teaching hospital..there will be a lot of assessment..
7. etc2....

Fauzanziela Lurviedovie: ‎7 days a week....kena pandai cari masa untuk makan untuk minum..takde sapa nak pelawa pg bfast/lunch...sendiri mau ingat...

So on and so on the comments in the FB, then I made my conclusion,

Iman Aisyah: Marilah datang Bandung semule! Hehe. Conclusion: I have to enjoy my Bandung's life for the moment :D

**Nama di atas adalah bukan nama sebenar di FB 

**Nota saya: 
  • Kena menikmati "precious moments in here" 
  • Kena mula perlahan-lahan bersembang tentang medik dengan Along dan mula tanya dan catat shortforms yang banyak digunakan dan juga usual cases.
  • Minta maaf English dan BM bercampur-campur di atas.

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