Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why I want to be a Pharmacist

Assalamualaikum wbt and a very happy saturday evening for everyone.

Early in the morning, I received an sms from my brother, he asked me about the pharmacy.

Ermm...Then, I was brainstorming my brain when I finally became to conclusion that I cannot answer the question that my brother asked me,

"Why do you want to be a pharmacist?"

If he changed the word pharmacist to doctor, I will happily answer his question with lots of ideas. hehe. This is for the interview that he will attend tomorrow. He will sit for the exam and have to answer few questions I think regarding the course that he will take soon. I am so enthusiast to help my brother. I know he has worked so hard this days.

Hard work! Yupp, I know he has put so much effort and hard work for this. He did not enjoy the long after-SPM-holiday like others. 2-3 days after the SPM he entered the college for the preparation until now. This is the 1st time he is away from home because before this he went to the secondary school in Machang, so near from home.

I have told him so many times,

" Jangan berputus asa"

"Biar susah dahulu, nanti senang kemudian"

My usual advise that I always kept to myself.

To my dearest brother this is some opinion from Angah's friends and juniors:

"I want to enter pharmacy course / I want to become a pharmacist because I love to study about the drugs and I would like to invent new drugs. I would like to invent new drugs that can be used for everyone, in term of their economics. So that I can also help the poor because nowadays we can see that cost for treatment is very expensive."

{saya ingin mencipta ubat yang mampu digunakan seoptimum yang mungkin oleh manusia iaitu ubat yang mampu menyembuhkan pesakit sebaik mungkin tetapi dengan harga yang rendah agar bukan orang kaya sahaja boleh sakit dan sembuh.(pharmacoeconomic)}

Tips during the interview tomorrow:

1) Be confident

2) Smile

3) Pray a lot- baca bismillah banyak2.

InsyaAllah, after the hard work lets tawakkal and pray for the best!

Doakan adik saya ya semua! Semoga dipermudahkan ujian esok dan juga dilancarkan lisan adik saya semasa interview esok. Mudah-mudahan adik saya akan berjaya dan dapat yang terbaik.


3rdmarch said...


eh..mana opinion "saya nak kawen ngan doktor/nurse"? ;p

adik kak tasha wat preparation mano?

ummujannah said...


ermm..nak buh hok tu pulok doh. tak membina. slow2 dululah. ke hok bagi pendapat ni tak sabar dah=)

adik kak sama tempat ngn syaza.

doakan ye!syukran kasir!